Where Can I Find My Indigenous Neighbors?

Jerry Bathke is known to many as the seventeen-year co-administrator of the Native American Bahá’í Institute in Houck, Arizona. But he has also held senior management positions in tribal, federal, corporate, and nonprofit organizations, including: the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles; the California Council for the Humanities; Jerry S. Bathke & Associates consulting firm; Atlantic Richfield Company, where, among other things, he was the first Director of Indian Affairs; the U.S. departments of Energy, Interior, and Health, Education & Welfare, where he held senior management positions directing Indian affairs; the Aspen Institute; and the Office of Navajo Economic Opportunity, where he directed one of America’s largest anti-poverty programs with 103 component elements. He holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Chicago and a law degree from the University of Chicago School of Law.

Jerry has received more than 90 awards and honors from more than 50 service organizations and corporations. He says he has “learned to focus, listen carefully, analyze our reality, solicit and explore ideas, plan for action, manage resources and reflect frequently about our progress.”

He is dedicated to service of the people and enjoys serving alongside others who share a similar commitment.


Interracial Marriage and World Peace


The Sacredness of Language